Do you Recommend?: the “protector” Octavio Hernández

Jan 18, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Tags: ALMA

Another year has passed and with it a new winner of the “Care” award of our Fundamental Statements. This time the award went to Octavio Hernández., who has been with us for more than 15 years as Operations and Maintenance Planner/Coordinator.

An award that caught Octavio off guard. “I am very grateful to my colleagues for the recognition and at the same time surprised since I am used to working in the ‘background’, and I am not necessarily face-to-face with our colleagues in their work areas at AOS.”

Even so, Octavio is humble in recognizing that it makes sense to him to have received this recognition, given the responsibility with which he has distinguished himself since he joined ALMA, such as when he served as AIV-Team Leader during the antenna construction period. “I was quite demanding when it came to the safety and protection of my colleagues, even being annoying at times, but in the end it paid off because we had no major failure events in this regard”.

An attitude Octavio has maintained in his current position. “I always try to support the Supervisors and Managers so that things are done in a safe way and many times postponing activities if the conditions are not quite right. I believe that the recognition of this value reflects that permanent strive to make ALMA a safe and pleasant place to work,” he adds.

Here Octavio gives us his main likes and recommendations:
Reading: I’m not a big reader, but I would recommend “Adiós al Séptimo de Línea” (Farewell to the Seventh Line).

Watch: “Life is beautiful” is for me one of the must-see movies, especially when you have children because it reflects very well what parents try to do with them, that their life is beautiful no matter the problems you face or how bad life can treat you.

Listening: I don’t identify myself with a particular band, but I do identify myself with certain styles, a little rusty maybe: Boogie-Woogie, Rock and roll, old and contemporary R&B, or part of the latter, a little classical music too.

Eating: I couldn’t say I have a favorite dish, actually I have several in a certain order of preferences: Pantrucas, beef casserole, meatballs and beans with mazamorra or with reins (clearly the best preparation is the one my wife makes). I like to prepare barbecues for my family and friends.

Drinking: Over the years, wine, especially Cabernet Sauvignon has become my favorite. From there other grape varieties come close. Sabra brings back good memories of the period I lived in Israel. It is a Chocolate and orange liqueur. If you can find it, I recommend it.

Follow / admire: The compatriots who fought in the Pacific War, those who took the Morro de Arica. But above all of them, Arturo Prat, for his training, his loyalty, for preparing and guiding those under his command, and of course for fulfilling the duty he once swore to his country: to surrender his life if necessary.

Think / Believe: Family. My wife Monica and daughters Karoll, Allison and Katherine, is what gives me the most and best meaning in life. That which you create from scratch and then as time goes by you see it grow according to the effort you make to achieve it. And if you are lucky enough to have a partner like mine for 36 years in life, walking together, picking each other up from our falls, supporting each other in every moment of health and sickness, enjoying what we love, being the father and mother in periods of absence, waiting for me with the same nervousness and joy every time I come home from shift, I think it is priceless. It certainly makes a lot of sense to me.
Do/Practice: Strength training is one of the disciplines I enjoy and it makes me feel good. I hope to pick it up again this year. As a family we love to travel.

Dress: Jeans and blazer. And if the weather permits, I like to wear linen and the infallible white cloth scarf (endangered species hahaha).

Travel: The truth is that I’ve been lucky enough to travel and visit many places. Each one of them leaves you with a richness and lived experience that helps you grow and broaden your view on multiple aspects. I think that the last day in each place is the one that makes you think “I have to come back someday”. Of all the places I have visited I think Israel is one of my favorites. Dream place to go? Bora Bora, I hope to go there someday with my wife, on honeymoon, why not?


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