“It was a decade of growth, both personally and professionally. The work experience together with the possibility of being able to study and obtain a doctorate, added to my personal evolution, gave me the tools to continue contributing to ALMA’s objective from a place that needed it”, he says.

For Isaac, his time at our observatory “was incredible! I met a lot of interesting people and I felt renewed curiosity and desire to learn. That allows you to be awake, attentive to the possibilities”. Likewise, Isaac believes that ALMA has “a very rich ecosystem and opportunities appear regularly”, he adds.
Years that did not go unnoticed for Mauricio, who recognizes that ALMA “allowed me to develop professionally in areas of my interest thanks to training in tools with which I could do my job better”.
Today, working at the Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO) as a database engineer, he sees how key it was to have worked at our observatory before: “The experience you gain from being in ALMA’s operation is something that has little comparison with any other observatory today because of the scale and the contributions to the observatory’s science. Sometimes this is something you don’t think about very much when you are at ALMA”, Mauricio acknowledges.

Gracias por compartir sus experiencias y mucho éxito en sus nuevos desafíos!!!!!