To ensure that this Code is complied with, we have several Points of Contact who are always available to guide and respond to any request from a member of staff.

In this role, Fabiola defends the purpose of the Code of Ethics and Conduct: “In a work group there must be an atmosphere of trust and respect, with a clear space for behaviour, and I believe that this code helps to set the guidelines for conduct”.
The role they play as Points of Contact is fundamental for us, as José has been able to confirm in his own experience: “It was very gratifying to be able to help and guide in the cases I have had. By giving advice, they have been solved quickly and on good terms”.

In that role, Ann is grateful to be a point of assistance, reaffirming the need for a Code of Ethics and Conduct. “I believe that its implementation helps us to feel protected and welcomed, as well as helping to generate a better coexistence and working environment,” she concludes.

To access it, check the email you received on 17 June from JAO BUK Learning.
It’s a difficult topic to talk about, but very good to know that we have a process that seems to be working. Let’s hope we need it less next year, but good to know that it is there, just in case.