With 12 years at ALMA, you’d think Andrea had seen it all. But when she received one of the awards at the last Fundamental Statements 2023 awards, that changed: “It was a mix of feelings that included surprise, gratitude, and excitement”.
Those were the emotions that went through Andrea Araya, our Lead Document Specialist, who was recognized for the Respect and Diversity value. An award that was already very significant for her because it was associated with a fundamental value of the observatory, but also because “it is very comforting to know that my work is visible and valued,” she says.
Beyond talking about her way of working, Andrea stresses the importance of the value for which she is being recognized: “It is an award that reflects, in my opinion, one of the most important values, not only to build an optimal organizational culture, but also one that I am interested in continuing to cultivate to grow personally and apply it in all aspects of life.”
For this reason, this award is a recognition that she carries, not only in the observatory, but also in her daily life: “Respect and diversity include all of us. I try every day to transmit these values within ALMA and outside the organization so that inclusion and respectful treatment is a valuable and ever-present approach in society,” Andrea concludes.

Read: My own book: “Latinoamérica en Tinta Fresca Volumen I”. It is a selection of short stories by emerging Latin American writers. My story is the first of this first volume. It is called “Como Hombre”. The book is available here: https://factorliterario.com/landig-cuentos-latinoamericanos/. I hope you get it and enjoy the reading. And not to be self-referential, I recommend “Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego” by Argentine writer Mariana Enríquez.
Watch: As a movie I recommend “Cold War” by Pawel Pawlikowski. In theater I always recommend watching Juan Radrigán’s plays.
Listening: I always listen to my own playlists with random songs. I don’t usually listen to complete albums. Anyway I recommend Shirel, Me Llamo Sebastián, and just because I refuse to be an old boomer, I recommend Kidd Voodoo. All Chilean.
Eating: I maintain my fascination with Italian completo, with added sauerkraut, but without American sauce, if possible. I also really enjoy pasta and especially the Greek pastitsio my dad used to make. It’s kind of like lasagna, but with canutos, a delight.
Dress: Sneakers are always my best garment.

Drinking: My drink of choice is and always will be wine.
Follow / Admire: The first thing that comes to mind are my girlfriends. I am fortunate to have their genuine love and unfailing loyalty. I admire their creative worlds, their visions of success and the way they achieve it by sharing with me everything that adds to my growth.
Do / Practice: Writing, not as a hobby. But as a lifestyle, anywhere, anytime.
Think / Believe: I firmly believe in death as the end of life. Without minimizing its meaning by believing that there is something else after that. But understanding that the great thing about it is to be able to give a real value to life and love, to generate bonds while alive that are even miraculous by the coincidence of meeting each other. I recommend reading the letter that Ann Druyan writes to Carl Sagan after his death.
Travel: Getting out of the city where you live, even if it’s close, feels liberating. I grew up between Valparaiso and New York. It’s a weird mix, but I feel at home in both cities and therefore they are always my top travel choices. My dream destination is Greece, also because of a personal connection, and I hope to make it happen soon.