Putting out the cigarette: our No-Smoking Program

Sep 11, 2024 | News | 1 comment

Tags: ALMA

Thinking that health is a priority for everyone, but sometimes external help is needed, our Safety department led an no-smoking campaign for all ALMA staff and our contractors who wanted to quit smoking. The incentive? If they succeeded in overcoming three months of abstinence, they could even be rewarded with a bicycle.
Thus, in the first stage of this program, 10 people from OSF and SCO joined the initiative. From June to September, they underwent regular checkups to verify that they had really distanced themselves from tobacco. “The participants have shown great interest and adherence to the regulations, showing great enthusiasm with the idea of quitting smoking,” assures Manuel Faúndez, Polyclinic Paramedic and creator of the initiative.
Manuel and his colleagues at the Polyclinic gave various informative talks and took urine and saliva samples from the participants to monitor their progress. “The effort is everyone’s, but the launch of the program would not have been possible without the support of everyone in the Safety department,” he adds.

Certainly, those who made the greatest effort were those who quit smoking. “It has been a great challenge, modifying routines and lifestyles that I had been changing for some time, becoming more aware of my whole being. This help came at a good time for me, convinced that this time I will succeed!” says Bernardita Césped, our Travel Operator II ALMA SCO.

It’s been more than 30 years since Bernardita lit up her first cigarette, and despite having tried several times, she couldn’t quit. That’s why she finds it “valuable to develop opportunities for personal growth and wellbeing, not only in relation to work. The benefits and personal progress are also reflected in our work,” she says.

Celebrating progress

This first phase culminated last Saturday, September 7, with an on-site ceremony at OSF, also broadcast online, where prizes were awarded to all participants who completed three months without smoking.

The second stage of the program will soon begin, which for three months will provide comprehensive support, with visits to SCO and OSF by the medical advisor Dr. Mauricio Gaete, and the delivery of medicines. In addition, the ban on smoking in OSF will be extended to places where gases, food or medicines are handled, as stipulated by Law 20.660.
A process that is also open to new participants who want to join: “Everyone has their own time, healing starts from within, but sometimes it is difficult because we get into the ‘rhythm of life’ and making changes is not easy but not impossible. It is never too much to try. I just tell them: ‘Come on, you can do it,’” encourages Bernardita.

1 Comment

  1. Martin Diaz

    Tremenda iniciativa!!! Muchas gracias por esta oportunidad!!


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