With more than 17 years working for our observatory, Marcelo Miranda cannot hide his excitement at having been awarded the “Excellence” award, from our Fundamental Statements. “I am very happy and grateful to have been recognized for my work at ALMA”.
Our Instrumentation Technician fondly remembers all these years working at the observatory, in which he has been part of its construction and development “together with a great working group, where I have met excellent people”.
In that sense, for Marcelo this award “means a lot, since the recognition comes from the vote of my colleagues and friends, which I value very much. This motivates me to continue improving even more”, he assures.

Read: The book that I found interesting is “The Twelfth Planet: The First Earth Chronicle Book”, by Zecharia Sitchin.
Watch: I like science fiction series and movies, as well as those based on real events. I recommend: “Prometheus”, “Alien Covenant”, “Dark”, “Vikings”, “Game of Thrones” and “Chernobyl”.
Listening: Pink Floyd, especially their albums “The Dark Side of the Moon” and “The Wall” (the live sound is even better).
Eating: Fried fish, rice and salads, prepared by my wife… Unbeatable! 😊.
Drinking: Natural fruit juice and ice. My mother always made them in my childhood 😊.

Dress: My Reef sandals hahahahahahaha! I can’t do without them, they are so comfortable.
Follow / Admire: I admired my maternal grandparents a lot, their patience, affection and advice. Even though they haven’t been with me for a long time, I always carry them in my heart.
Do / Practice: Swimming in the sea and bodyboarding is fun, as well as therapeutic.
Think / Believe: Here I have developed a significant feeling of belonging, strengthened by all the personal and group experiences during all these years. I am convinced that ALMA’s great results are due to this feeling of belonging rooted in this great working group we have. Without all of them it would not be possible.
Travel: I would like to travel to Egypt and Baalbek. To see the pyramids, platforms, terraces and monoliths. I wish it could be.