Catalina was only ten years old and does not remember the details of that conversation. But what she has never forgotten is how, suddenly, she felt a noise coming from the terrace… Everyone got up from their seats, and terror filled Catalina’s face when she saw a yellow being, with something that looked like a giant gun… They were being invaded by aliens!
A scene worthy of a futuristic movie that found a domestic explanation: they were about to paint the beach building, but first they needed to clean it with pressurized water. Thus, the terrifying alien turned out to be a person dressed in a yellow water suit, and the gun, a giant hose.

¡Bienvenida, Catalina! Vamos a tener muchas reuniones de Board en el futuro en las que negociar muchas cosas, ¡así que nos vendrá bien tu experiencia!
Bienvenida Catalina!!