“Queremos entregar buenos datos para entender el Universo”
The Program Management Group (PMG) has a chain of tasks essential to the operation of ALMA. They are responsible for the day-to-day management of the execution of observations and monitoring the status of ALMA programs. In addition, they ensure data quality control and coordination of these activities with the...
Cerrando el taller
Many have ended their working years with us, leaving an indelible mark in ALMA. Now it is the turn of Carlos Rivera, our welding mechanic, who after 14 years is saying goodbye by making use of the Exceptional Union Quota Retirement Agreement for workers over 60...
Buscando imágenes en Virginia
Data is the foundation of our work at ALMA. It's what we look for in the sky and what we do best with scientists from around the world. That information is key to generating images that we can share with the public. That's why in June...
ALMA Internacional: Nuestros colegas cuentan cómo celebran su día en Canadá, EE.UU. y Venezuela
Our observatory is located in Chile, but people from all over the world make up its team. That's why we want to commemorate the national holidays of the 17 nationalities that make up our multiculturalism. And we started in July with Canada Day by talking to...
Ingenieras de corazón y de ALMA
Our observatory has all kinds of professionals that make it a unique place in the world. But above all we have engineers... and women engineers! On the occasion of Women in Engineering Day, celebrated last June 23, we want to give special recognition to those women...
Subiendo a la pantalla chica
For the past couple of years, ALMA's Education and Public Outreach (EPO) team, together with Vectorial Production Company (author of "The Rebirth of a Giant"), has been working on the series "En Busca de Nuestros Orígenes" (In Search of Our Origins), a documentary-style production that tells...
Padres de ALMA
When you have children everything is different, even if our realities are different. "I never had a role as a father growing up, but I always knew that being a father I was going to give my best. Being a father is a gift from God...