Queremos escuchar tus experiencias
In 2018 we took on the challenge of improving our processes, systems and communication channels to strengthen our identity and organisational culture and for that, we conducted our first Internal Communications survey, in 2021 we applied a second version, and today we invite you to participate in the third...
Yoga: Un break laboral diferente
Many people may not know it, but at SCO we have a kind of "sanctuary". It is a special place where anyone can take a different kind of break, giving their day a break, and changing their seat for a yoga mat. This ancient oriental discipline...
ALMA para todos: Nuestras Puertas Abiertas 2024
Day by day, and year by year, we strive to obtain and generate transformational science. But none of this is worthwhile if it is not shared with everyone. To commemorate Astronomy Day, celebrated every 21 March, we open our doors of SCO and ESO, so that...
Cerrando la brecha: nuestras mentoras PROVOCA
Female representation in astronomy is a challenge worldwide, but when we look at Chilean women working in areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), the scenario is even more adverse. And that is the mission of PROVOCA, a programme created in 2018 by AUI/NRAO that...
Una década al infinito: Lo mejor de nuestros 10 años
This March 13 marks the culmination of the celebration of our first decade of full operations, 11 years since ALMA was inaugurated. A period that has marked not only the entire scientific community and radio astronomy worldwide, but also, of course, those who lived these first...
La primera década de ALMA en la voz de Francisco Pino
Although the morning of that January 2012 was hot in the Chajnantor plain, Francisco Pino was frozen in front of a machine. He had only been familiarizing himself with the Front End for a couple of days when he dropped a piece of candy inside. "I...
Yo recomiendo: Juan Carlos Rojas
"The adventurous spirit of Juan Carlos Rojas, our Mechanical Operator, goes hand in hand with something essential: care. Precisely that was the award he received in our last ALMA Fundamental Statements Awards. "Without a doubt, it is a milestone in my career that I will always...