
Repercussions to the revealing result of our observations with EHT

Repercusiones al revelador resultado de nuestras observaciones junto a EHT

After the world's attention was drawn to the first image of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way, ALMA is attracting more and more interest.On May 18, we received three press agencies at ALMA: Reuters and France Press (AFP), as well as correspondents from the Spanish newspaper El País. Check out some of the publications left...

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“It’s very cool! Seeing it confirms our work and is very exciting”

“It’s very cool! Seeing it confirms our work and is very exciting”

During the press conference held yesterday at SCO at the same time as at five other locations around the planet, the astronomers in charge of revealing the image of the colossal black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy stressed that without ALMA these results would not have been possible.The secret The revelation of this image was...

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“It’s great to see that such a culturally diverse group can come together and create something at this level”

“Es muy bueno ver que un grupo culturalmente tan diverso puede unirse y crear algo a este nivel”

Since March 17, thanks to Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), our antennas join every day or night an observing network with 10 other stations located in Europe, North America, Chile and the South Pole. And although this is not the first time ALMA has worked on this campaign together with EHT (Event Horizon Telescope) and GMVA (Global mm-VLBI Array),...

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