Happy Day to all our colleagues!

Apr 30, 2022 | News | 0 comments

Tags: colleagues | union | work | workers

From our unions and Human Resources, we want to greet all those who work on our project every day. Check their messages below:


“We would like to share this greeting with all our colleagues, family and friends to wish them a Happy Labor Day and congratulate them for the efforts they make every day. We are very proud to have such a wonderful team of professionals as our coworkers. Let’s always work with a big smile, keeping our loved ones in mind and without losing sight of our dreams. Happy Labor Day!”

Barbara Sepúlveda

President of the ALMA N°2 Workers’ Union

“We send greetings to all ALMA colleagues, especially to our partners. We believe it is important to celebrate International Labor Day every year, since many of the labor benefits that exist today in most countries, such as a shorter working day or an annual holiday, are the result of workers’ demands throughout history. We are pleased that ALMA is also celebrating this day and we are proud that, in terms of working conditions, we have managed to reach agreements on working conditions beneficial to its workers over the years of the organization’s existence”

Víctor González

President of the ALMA N°1 Workers’ Union

“I send a big greeting to all of us who work to enable human curiosity about the Universe and its cosmic origins.  A day like today, which commemorates the violent repression of basic labor demands in late 19th century Chicago, reminds us of the responsibility we all have to build work environments that are not only productive, but also empathetic, healthy, respectful and collaborative. Happy Labor Day!”

Rafael Mena

HR Manager


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