But for almost a year now, Otto has been taking all the load, after Lore suffered a failure in August 2023 and was unable to operate.

The transporter has a failover system to recover in case these things happen. As it has two motors, it is able to move with only one. “We had to disconnect a lot of things in order to isolate the failed pump. And it took us two days to get it back to the hangar safely and prevent it from continuing to contaminate,” Herman adds.

Thus, from this failure, a complete work was carried out on the hydraulic system of the conveyor, considering the other components that could have been damaged in addition to the pump. Despite the altitude, cold and wind that characterise Chajnantor, the objective was achieved thanks to excellent teamwork.

“It was unexpected, we had to develop the procedures along the way. On the one hand, it was stressful, but on the other hand we gained a lot of knowledge that we can use in the future. So, if we had the same failure again, maybe we would approach it in a different way,” Mark concludes.

Un gran desafío que se llevo a cabo y deja visibilizar un gran equipo de trabajo detrás de estas complejas maquinas transportadoras. Bien hecho!!!!.
Grande equipos y profesionales, comprometidos y colaborativos. Todo expresado en este gran desafío!! Felicitaciones!!!