ALMA 2024: The protagonists of a year full of emotions and awards
What a tremendous and emotional year we are closing in ALMA! The tribute to Francisco Fuentes captivated us all at the beginning of 2024. The ‘friend of all’ left a mark with his departure on 23 January at 66. His humor and companionship will live on in ALMA. ‘I...
The talents at ALMA
At our observatory we are recognized for the science we do, but we are much more than that: we are full of talents! In October we had the opportunity to premiere at SCO the play "I don't know what they do to us" starring Claudia Johnson,...
The return to the Olympics
The observatories always cooperate with each other, except when it comes to the Olympics, where we compete and show our strength, but always in a sporting spirit of fellowship. Last November 17 and 18 was no exception. We were able to compete again in the Inter...
Engagement Workshops: Improving the work experience
For any organization it is essential that its employees feel comfortable and enthusiastic in their workspace. For this reason, we have been conducting engagement workshops with each of our teams. In these instances, the groups tell us how they are living their work experience and how...
Team building: Software team cohesion
Team cohesion is the basis for any initiative or project that needs to be carried out, and it is also the driving force of our organization. However, these bonds must be strengthened on a regular basis. That is why our Software team met at OSF at...
The “guardian” of RD&I: Isabel Fuenzalida
Isabel Fuenzalida, our RD&I Consultant, has only been at her desk for a few months, but she already has a lot of work to do, such as analyzing the results of the Respect, Diversity and Inclusion Survey we conducted in June. In the midst of all...
Do you Recommend?: David Guzmán
"I was thrilled and surprised," with those words expressed David Guzmán, our Mechanical Technician I, after receiving the "Care" award from our latest Fundamental Statements. "I never imagined receiving recognition from the observatory," he adds. David has been with us for 13 years. In the construction...