The talents at ALMA

The talents at ALMA

At our observatory we are recognized for the science we do, but we are much more than that: we are full of talents! In October we had the opportunity to premiere at SCO the play "I don't know what they do to us" starring Claudia Johnson,...

The return to the Olympics

The return to the Olympics

The observatories always cooperate with each other, except when it comes to the Olympics, where we compete and show our strength, but always in a sporting spirit of fellowship. Last November 17 and 18 was no exception. We were able to compete again in the Inter...

Do you Recommend?: David Guzmán

Do you Recommend?: David Guzmán

"I was thrilled and surprised," with those words expressed David Guzmán, our Mechanical Technician I, after receiving the "Care" award from our latest Fundamental Statements. "I never imagined receiving recognition from the observatory," he adds. David has been with us for 13 years. In the construction...