“Be Safe”: our cybersecurity program
On our desktops, mobile devices, at work or at home. There are multiple risks of becoming a victim of a scam or intrusion on the Internet. We learned about it first-hand when we suffered the cyber-attack on the observatory in October 2022. To be more prepared, the IT team...
Repercussions to the revealing result of our observations with EHT
After the world's attention was drawn to the first image of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way, ALMA is attracting more and more interest.On May 18, we received three press agencies at ALMA: Reuters and France Press (AFP), as well as correspondents...
“It’s very cool! Seeing it confirms our work and is very exciting”
During the press conference held yesterday at SCO at the same time as at five other locations around the planet, the astronomers in charge of revealing the image of the colossal black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy stressed that without ALMA these...
ALMA Mothers
Courageous women who transcend personally while maintaining their commitment to science.
Happy Day to all our colleagues!
From our unions and Human Resources, we want to greet all those who work on our project every day. Check their messages.
The woman who guides our commitment to care for the land we inhabit
We commemorated this Earth Day by talking to Michaela Heisig, a biologist from the University of Hamburg who 20 years ago led ALMA’s environmental impact study at Chajnantor and remains in charge of conservation plans at the site.
A team that came into existence in pandemic
It’s all about “keeping the lights on, the water flowing and the wheels turning,” says Donald Tait, CFG Manager, since this team was created in March 2020.