175 people participated in person and another 135 online, totaling 305 people who were able to follow the more than 70 talks and presentations. The December 4-8 event was not the first of its kind. Five such meetings have been held since 2012, but this is the first time we’ve gone for a hybrid conference.

“I was struck by how ALMA has contributed to science, to the point that physical theories have had to be discussed again, for example, with the protoplanetary disks”, adds Cristian.

Seiji Fujimoto, NASA Hubble telescope astronomer fellow, was one of those who took advantage of his trip to Chile to join the special visit to see our antennas at AOS: “I enjoyed it very much. This was our first time at the ALMA site after 10 years since we started using their data, so it is a very special date”, he concluded.
(At the image, Seiji Fujimoto on the left and Toshiki Saito on the right)
Bravoooo!! Que emoción! Gracias por compartir estas fotos y hacer esta nota y asi saber un poco lo que fue este evento y lo que genera ALMA! Es un orgullo se parte de este maravilloso proyecto!!