An example of this is Andrea Corvillón, our Proposal Handling Team Lead, who has been working at ALMA for more than 8 years, and has just won the “Respect and Diversity” award at the last Fundamental Statements Awards. “I was very happy. The truth is that I didn’t expect it, so it was a nice surprise, a very nice recognition,” says Andrea.
Andrea recently participated in the “Peer-Review Under Review” workshop, organized at ESO-Garching, Germany, where she shared her experience applying distributed peer review, double anonymity review, biases in the review process, as well as plans to incorporate machine learning in proposal assignments. It was certainly a great opportunity to exchange experiences on how to improve the respective review processes.

See: Gilmore Girls, not a must-see, but I like it. It’s a series that started in 2000, so it has several things that maybe don’t look so good with today’s mentality, and that one says “But that’s so sexist!” or “Why does she put up with that!”, but for some reason I like it. Maybe it makes me remember simpler times, as I used to watch it when I was in school and my big responsibility was to study. Now that it’s on Netflix I go back to watch it every so often. I think I’ve watched it in its entirety about 4 or 5 times now.
Eating: I eat chocolates almost every day, even when my daughter was diagnosed with a food allergy, and I had to give them up to avoid cow’s milk, I managed to find allergen-free chocolates and with those I survived the exclusion diet.
Drink: Coffee, if it were up to me I would live connected to a coffee pot.
Follow / admire: Today as a mom I admire a lot those people who raise one or more children without the support of other adults. I have my husband, my parents, a nanny and the garden. We all share the care of my daughter, and even then I suddenly feel overwhelmed. I know that those who parent without the support of others most often do so at the cost of their own mental and physical health, so I don’t romanticize them, but I admire them deeply nonetheless.

Dress: A vest. I’m a bit sensitive to temperature changes, so if it starts to get a bit cold I have to wrap up immediately.
Travel: Frutillar and Puerto Varas. I’ve vacationed there a couple of times and I love it. Going to the parks or just strolling along the waterfront watching the volcano is a nice experience, plus the food is very good.