“In Chile, social gaps are very large, especially in education. The purpose of this work has been to facilitate free access to information in remote or abandoned communities,” adds Francisco.

First, they collect the notebooks through social networks and acquaintances. Then, they are often contacted by local teachers or members of a neighborhood council who need their help.
Then, they travel to the area to verify the needs of the community and the physical conditions of the place, to return months later to install the devices, the broadband that will provide them with internet, and conduct a digital literacy class to its users.
They have already implemented 6 laboratories on the islands of Chiloé (Meulín, Apiao, Alao, Lin Lin and Quenac), and recently another one in Visviri, a border town with Bolivia located in the region of Arica and Parinacota.

This Friday, January 12, they will undertake a new challenge, which will take them even further, as they will implement a laboratory in an orphanage in Nairobi, Kenya.
On their return they want to continue contributing to other northern communities near Visviri, while strengthening their relationship with the groups they have already benefited, this time to carry out support and digital literacy activities.

To learn more about the foundation and how you can help: www.instagram.com/soypuenteorg/
un grande!
Maravilloso y poderoso!!