Remember to nominate your colleagues for the Fundamental Values Awards!

Oct 19, 2022 | News | 0 comments

Tags: ALMA

In these almost 10 years of history, we advance our JAO Culture by recognizing ALMA – JAO colleagues who best represent the values of our organization.

Each of us (LSM and ISM) is invited to nominate a colleague, justifying why we believe that person should be highlighted. It is only through our participation that this long-awaited recognition becomes meaningful again.

In the last edition of our Fundamental Values Awards 2021/2022 we had colleagues who to this day fondly remember this recognition. Here are some of their testimonials.

Excellence – “Doing the best you can.”

Liza Videla is Content Manager of the ALMA Scientific Archive and was recognized for her excellence. For her, it means: “to give the maximum one can, in terms of knowledge, experience, growth, and effort”.

“It was a very important recognition because I felt valued, I felt that my work and my effort to do my tasks in the best possible way are visible and appreciated by my colleagues. I have the award on my desk, and every day it reminds me that what I do does positively impact others at the Observatory.”

Respect and Diversity – “A big part of our work environment is respecting the opinions of others.”

“ALMA is a lot about problem solving and making improvements. And a big part of our work environment is to respect the opinions of others and, in fact, that we encourage diverse opinions,” explained Mark Gallilee, ALMA’s Mechanics Leader regarding the Respect and Diversity value. Mark acknowledges that it was a great surprise that his colleagues thought of him as associated with this value.

Henry Tapia, MECHANICAL & HVAC TECHNICIAN of ALMA’s Infrastructure Maintenance Group, was recognized in the same category. He explains how this value has been a daily part of his family: “We have tried to raise our children respecting others, including animals. We have also expressed our agreement with diversity; my eldest daughter married her female partner with our full support. I am proud that my peers recognize this important value in me,” commented Henry.

Caregiving – “Always looking for what else I can contribute to the integral wellbeing”.

“Day by day I make my personal effort to look after my colleagues,” says Italo Lemus of IT SUPPORT about his recognition in the “Care” category. For him, it is a joy that his colleagues have recognized in him the value of this nomination and that “they think of my personal effort: I dedicate many hours to it, always looking for what else I can contribute to the integral wellbeing of our organization and collaborators.”


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