
Happy Day to all our colleagues!

Happy Day to all our colleagues!

From our unions and Human Resources, we want to greet all those who work on our project every day. Check their messages below:  “We would like to share this greeting with all our colleagues, family and friends to wish them a Happy Labor Day and congratulate them for the efforts they make every day. We are very proud to...

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A team that came into existence in pandemic

A team that came into existence in pandemic

It’s all about “keeping the lights on, the water flowing and the wheels turning,” says Donald Tait, CFG Manager, since this team was created in March 2020. Particularly intense times for this group composed of: Rodrigo Alvarado, Project Engineer; Francisco Cisterna, Contract Supervisor; Verónica Gareca, Administration Assistant (Management Control); Francisco Herrera, Administration Assistant (Management Control); and Alfredo Krain, Contract Supervisor.  But...

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Continuing to study: an opportunity to grow, with ALMA’s support

Continuing to study: an opportunity to grow, with ALMA’s support

It is not only about money, but about an integral commitment that each colleague assumes with excellence. This year, 11 employees received this benefit. “My children see that mom and dad are studying and they know that there is a will to succeed” Jorge Cortés, Technician I (Medium Voltage Electrician) has just finished his studies of Higher Level Technician...

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Changes in RTO protocols, but the pandemic has not ended

Changes in RTO protocols, but the pandemic has not ended

Satisfaction and joy have been generated by the changes in Covid-19 infection prevention measures that many of us have already been able to experience. The removal of acrylic dividers in a large part of the OSF dining room was one of the most noticeable and commented changes: “I think it’s excellent because now we can have a little more rapprochement...

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Cristián Puentes: “I aim to challenge the way things are done when they can be improved”

Cristián Puentes: “I aim to challenge the way things are done when they can be improved”

Our Head of Administration not only has an important career in financial areas in multinational companies. This enthusiastic professional is also a man dedicated to his family and a mountaineer.“The astronomical theme caught my attention as a child, and it was always a deeply felt professional aspiration to be able to work in an organization related to the observation...

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“At that time getting to Chajnantor was an odyssey”

“At that time getting to Chajnantor was an odyssey”

Christian Saldías, Information Technology Manager, is ALMA’s first hire (lsm). Before the organization as such existed, already since 2003 and as a collaborator of the ESO, working for the project.“The OSF consisted of three water ponds and a container with a hole to access the inside. That was the office (there were no bathrooms, no kitchen, no internet). We...

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