After 48 days of hard work by our IT team, on December 19 we resumed our astronomical observations. And more recently, on January 26 it was made public that the FBI infiltrated the group that attacked us, dismantling their operations and obtaining the decryption keys.

The infiltration affected support systems such as Jira, Confluence and DNS, but the scientific data was not affected. The balance was about 400 virtual machines that had to be rebuilt from scratch. A reinstallation and infrastructure configuration process that usually takes five years, our IT team accomplished in less than three months.

“This period after the cyber-attack has been exhausting for us. We are working day by day to return to normality and we hope that this goal will be achieved soon,” Victoria closes.

Muchas gracias a todo el equipo de IT, OSF y SCO, por este gran esfuerzo y arduo trabajo!!
Y gracias a todos quienes han apoyado esta recuperación, y a todos quienes trabajan dia a día por manetner este el observatorio en funcionamiento!!
Se pasó el equipo de ADC! Creo que no me puedo imaginar lo difícil que fue este período para ustedes… Muchas gracias por las miles de horas y neuronas invertidas en recuperarnos de este ataque infame! Son efectivamente héroes!
Felicitaciones ADC Team!