In 2018 we took on the challenge of improving our processes, systems and communication channels to strengthen our identity and organisational culture and for that, we conducted our first Internal Communications survey, in 2021 we applied a second version, and today we invite you to participate in the third edition of this measurement, which will allow us to continue moving forward.
You are the protagonist of our internal communications. Without your participation and opinion, we would not be able to continue to make progress or focus our efforts where they really matter.
We want to hear your ideas, your experiences and how we can continue to improve so that we all feel part of a connected and collaborative team.
It is important to note that this survey is completely anonymous and confidential. We will only ask you to answer some general demographic questions, which will help us to better target our work.
Click HERE and participate. It won’t take more than 5 minutes.
We’re counting on you!