Art for ALMA: our Paint & Talk workshops at SCO

Oct 16, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Tags: ALMA

Art has always been present in Priscilla’s life. She fondly remembers her sister painting in oils and taking pictures, and her mother winning all the flower arrangement contests and drawing costume designs.

That’s why, when she passed by the Alhambra Palace in 2010 and saw the National Society of Fine Arts open, just as she was beginning her doctorate, she didn’t hesitate to study watercolor: “I was always a little interested in art, until I took the plunge and to this day I haven’t stopped painting,” says Priscilla Nowajewski, our Data Analyst in the PMG group.

Her passion has been so persistent that, since April of this year, Priscilla has been leading a watercolor workshop at SCO, where she welcomes anyone interested: “I saw that it was something that was done in other countries, where there was an opportunity to paint and talk for a while. Besides, in general it is a little difficult for me to show how I work and my paintings, so it has also been a big leap for me,” he adds.
Thus, every other Tuesday at 12:30 p.m., Priscilla receives her pupils and new students: “It’s interesting to see how they improve,” she says. She recognizes that watercolor is one of the most difficult painting techniques, since it does not allow you to erase what you do, so it is “a good therapy to get used to mistakes and learn to live with that, not everything has to be perfect. It all depends on how you want to express yourself and let the water find its own way on the paper, you have to let it flow”.
This is confirmed by Harold Francke, our Science Archive Content Manager (DSO), one of the workshop participants: “I’ve always liked painting, and in recent years I’ve done a bit of oil painting. Seeing that Priscilla was offering her knowledge about watercolor, I was excited to learn a new technique and see what possibilities it gives. Besides, I think painting is very relaxing”.
This positive experience is shared by Maryluz Jara, our General Services Supervisor, who has been in the classes from the beginning: “The experience has been very positive. It is almost therapeutic to work with colors, water management, brushes. It is also a space for conversation and learning. Priscilla is a good teacher and the group is very entertaining and diverse, from different areas. Everyone has the same goal, to have a good time and learn,” she says.
Likewise, Fabiola Norambuena, our Software Engineer Trainee, appreciates this space created by Priscilla and which allows the observatory. “It has been an extremely enriching experience. Not all jobs offer this type of opportunity where workers can nurture themselves in extra-work contexts. I had been wanting to learn to paint with watercolor for years, and having the opportunity to do it with other co-workers has been a privilege.”
The objective of the workshop is to continue until the end of the year, but Priscilla confesses that she would like it to continue: “I think it has been one of the activities where I have been able to get to know my colleagues the most. It is an instance that really helps us to disconnect for a while and recharge our energy to continue the day,” she concludes.
In addition to her workshops, Priscilla will release her work this week with the community The Mars Society Chile (@tms.chile) the exhibition “Cosmic Dialogues”, where each exhibitor shows her vision of the Solar System, presenting how each planet looks from the outside, its landscape and how it would look like to live in it.

The exhibition is a free activity supported by the Universidad de Talca and will be open to the public until November 15, at the Art Gallery of the university, located in Providencia.

The launch will be this Thursday, October 17 at 7:00 pm with limited spaces.
If you would like to attend, please write to Priscilla at [email protected].



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