Just like home: Advances in Hospitality

Jul 10, 2024 | News | 3 comments

Tags: ALMA

“Thank you very much for your service!” / “The service in general is good. Keep it up and keep improving” / “All very good. Although I don’t do regular shifts it would be a luxury to have such a service at SCO” / “My sincere congratulations to all the staff. They are a great team and help a lot to make us feel happier in this place” / “The homemade soups at AOS are always appreciated” / “Very good dishes at AOS”.
These are some of the comments received by our Hospitality team in the latest Evaluation Survey conducted in May 2024. And they speak for themselves: “We are very happy that this user evaluation shows very good results”, says Andrés Baerwald, our Hospitality Services Manager.
The data confirms the story. In every single item of the survey, the positive evaluations have increased considerably.

Total Number of Respondents:
Survey 2023 Newrest: 75
Survey 2023 Aliservice: 69
Survey 2024 Aliservice: 66

*Below you can see the Overall Survey Summary by service:

This change in perception seems to be closely related to the arrival of a new contractor (Aliservice) in July last year. “We have been working together with the management and supervisors of all the service areas from day one, giving all the necessary support for the success of their management,” says Andrés.
The dedication of everyone in the Hospitality group is daily and meticulous as they must accomplish their difficult mission. “There is a great multiculturality among all of us who work at ALMA on a shift system and spend more than 50% of our lives on site, so our main job is to make the experience in terms of food and accommodation as pleasant and enjoyable as possible for everyone in this great community,” Andrés concludes.
What’s new at Hospitality:
Soft ice cream machine: This purchase made in December 2023 has been a great success, which is reflected not only in the feedback received, but also in the large number of ice cream cups that people take away after lunch and dinner, with an average of 2,000 ice cream cups consumed per month during the summer.
New super automatic coffee machines: At the touch of a button, the new coffee machines installed in the two OSF cafeterias and in the Residence provide a variety of coffee and chocolate alternatives. A big plus is that one of these same automatic machines was installed for the first time in the AOS, of course, with decaffeinated coffee beans.
New sets of towels: Now the users of the Residence can notice this renovation, as they have hotel towels with a higher grammage per cm2, which provides a better experience of use.
Renewal of mattresses: A renovation of all defective or faulty mattresses in the Residence and ALMA Camp was carried out.

Beautification of the Residence lobby: The Residence lobby is noticeably greener, where the Hospitality team has carried out gardening work, incorporating a variety of plants to beautify the entrance to the Residence.

Improvements in the snacks link in AOS: For the choice of the Lunch of the Day, now with just one click users can choose between two options of main course and side dish. In the Empanada category, the option Chaparrita has been added. “We are aware that there is a certain instability of the current link, so we are working to modernise and strengthen it with a new application,” says Andrés.

New Transport contract: Very soon, the company Sokol, with which we currently work, will incorporate new bus and minibus equipment. The latter will have wider seats, thus improving user comfort and a better travel experience.

More entertaining themed dinners: In addition to the special events held on important dates such as Workers’ Day, Independence Day, Christmas and New Year’s Day, the Themed Dinners have been upgraded to a higher level of production and gastronomic excellence.
*Click on the image below to see more photos of the last Asian Theme Dinner and the last Chiloé Theme Dinner.


  1. Rafael Mena

    Felicitaciones a todo el equipo de hospitality! Hacen un gran trabajo para todos nosotros!

  2. Carlos rojas

    Muchas gracias por todas las notorias mejoras que implementan dia a dia. Muchas veces nos “malacostumbramos” al excelente servicio y calidad de los productos de tal forma que los damos por hecho, y somos poco agradecidos de estos y de las personas que se encuentran tras bambalinas. Gracias Claudia, Paola, Marta, Patricio y Andres por el excelente trabajo..
    Mencion y agradecimientos aparte para toodoo el personal de Aliservice, que con su simpatia y esfuerzo hacen nuestra estadia en sitio mas placentera. Quienes amablemente nos sirven los alimentos, quienes los preparan, personal de aseo en residencia, TF y AOS, adminstrativos, mantencion, supervisores, choferes… uffff, es harta gente la que esta detras de todo. Muchas gracias a todos!!!

  3. Martin Diaz

    Muchas gracias al gran equipo de Hospitality!! Se nota el cariño y dedicación que le ponen a su trabajo. Muchas gracias!


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